Visitando al Sr. Green began its life in Spain in December, 2005 with performances in Aviles and Segovia. Juan Echanove, the celebrated Spanish actor made his directorial debut, working with two of his most respected colleagues, Juan José Otegui as Mr. Green and Pere Ponce as Ross Gardiner.

“Hay un texto, magnifico, inteligentísimo, en el que Jeff Baron, su autor, expone con claridad y buen ritmo las ideas contenidas en él y maneja prodigiosamente el arte del diálogo, además de pasar con gran habilidad de la comedia al drama sin que se perciba estridencia alguna. Aquí vamos a disfrutar durante dos horas con el texto y su interpretación y nos van a quedar algunas ideas en la cabeza a las dar vueltas – porque la denuncia del fundamentalismo religioso, de la marginacaión que ejercen los que ante han sido marginados, asunto central de la obra, pose una gran complejidad y está tratado con sumo acierto.”
“There is a text, magnificent, very intelligent, in which Jeff Baron, its author, exposes with clarity and good rhythm the ideas contained in it and prodigiously handles the art of dialogue, in addition to passing with great skill from comedy to drama without any stridency being perceived. Here we are going to enjoy for two hours the text and its interpretation and we are going to have some ideas in our heads to think about – because the denunciation of religious fundamentalism, of the marginalization of those who have been marginalized before, the central theme of the play, has a great complexity and is treated with great skill.”

Produced by Pentación Espectáculos, Visitando al Sr. Green played for three months at Teatro de Bellas Artes in Madrid, where author Jeff Baron attended the premiere.

“Pues el tal Baron sabe lo que se lleva entre manos. Una comedia muy equilibrada, muy bien observada, con humanidad, con inteligencia, con verdadero cariño y comprensión hacia sus personajes. El Bellas Artes tiene un éxito en las manos. La sala estaba llena, y flotaba a la salida esa contagiosa sensación de plenitud, de haber pasado dos horas en una estupenda compañía. Plenitud de teatro bien hecho, de altísima profesionalidad, de arte.”
“Well, this Baron knows what he’s up to. A very balanced comedy, very well observed, with humanity, with intelligence, with true affection and understanding for his characters. The Fine Arts has a hit on its hands. The room was full, and upon leaving, that contagious feeling of fullness floated out, of having spent two hours in wonderful company. The height of theater well done, of the highest professionalism, of art.”

The production toured Spain through 2007, with a long stay in Barcelona and stops in over 50 other Spanish cities.