Visiting Mr. Green began its life in Italy in 2014, with a production in Borgio Verezzi starring film and theatre great Corrado Pani playing opposite Maximilian Nisi, directed by Mario Mattia Giorgetti.

“La rappresentazione ha avuto un successo che si puó definire clamoroso (dodici chiamate con ovazioni all fine), grazie all’eccellente regia di Giorgetti, che ha saputo explicitare in profondità i molteplici significati del bel copione, e grazie altresì alla prestazioni di un strepitoso Corrado Pani tornato sulla con una di quelle interpretazioni che bastano a nobiliitare e ad esaltare una intera carriera.”
“The performance was a success that can be defined as resounding (twelve curtain calls at the end), thanks to the excellent direction of Giorgetti who was able to explicate in depth the multiple meanings of the beautiful script, and thanks also to the performance of a resounding Corrado Pani back on the stage with one of those interpretations that are enough to ennoble and enhance an entire career.”
After a great critical response, the production moved to Teatro della Cometa in Rome in October 2004 to begin a two-year tour of Italy.
Corrado Pani died unexpectedly in March, 2005

A new Italian production of Visiting Mr. Green, now called Mister Green, opened in Rome in 2015, also at Teatro della Cometa. Starring Massimo De Francovich and Maximilian Nisi, directed by Piergiorgio Piccoli, with original music by Stefano de Meo.

“Un spettacolo pluripremiato e di grandissimo successo internazionale dall’arguta, sensibile e introspettiva penna di Jeff Baron, romanziere, drammaturgo e sceneggiatore. Il segreto del suo successo sta in un testo all’apparenza semplice, ma non banale che nasconde nelle pieghe di un linguaggio quotidiano problemi, significati, pregiudizi, paure, difficoltà e normalità del vivere di tutti. Una pièce dal fresco e spontaneo umorismo che fa riflettere e lascia il desiderio di rivederla.”
“An award-winning show of great international success from the witty, sensitive and introspective pen of Jeff Baron, novelist, playwright and screenwriter. The secret of his success lies in a seemingly simple but non-trivial text that hides in its folds of everyday language the problems, meanings, prejudices, fears, difficulties and normality of life for everyone. A piece with a fresh and spontaneous humor that makes you think, and leaves you with the desire to see it again.”

“Mi ha colpito la scrittura: agile, precisa, attraversata da un ritmo fresco e incalzante. Si tratta di una pièce delicata, profonda, imperniata su uno straordinario scontro generazionale, ma anche sull’incontro di due emarginazioni, di due anime che si nascondono e si svelano a poco a poco. Un testo ricco, emozionante, bellissimo.”
“I was struck by the writing: agile, precise, with a fresh and insistent rhythm. It is a play that is gentle, deep, based on an extraordinary clash of generations, but also on the meeting of two marginalized people, two souls that hide and reveal themselves gradually. A rich, exciting, beautiful text.”
The production toured Italy from 2016 – 2019, and had to cancel additional performances because of the pandemic.