Návštěvy u pana Greena began its long Czech life in April, 2011. Produced by Jan Balzer and Kateřina Schauerová, it starred the great Stanislav Zindulka as Mr. Green, with Matěj Hádek as Ross Gardiner. With a translation by Benjamin Kuras, it was directed by award-winning film and theatre director Vladimír Michálek. Author Jeff Baron was closely involved, and was in Prague for the opening.

“Divadlo je umění a jako každý obor této sféry by mělo skrývat nejen estetický dojem a kulturní zážitek, ale mělo by člověka i vnitřně oslovit. Mělo by vést k vnitřnímu pocitu, že jsme chvílí strávenou v divadle něco získali, k zamyšlení nejen nad samotným dějem, ale i myšlenkou a odkazem, které chtěl autor do děje skrýt a divákům zanechat. Každé dobré představení by v nás mělo určitým způsobem zůstat a vrýt se nám pod kůži, a aniž bychom si to třeba i vědomě připustili, alespoň nepatrně náš život někam posunout. A přesně takové je představení Návštěvy u pana Greena. Přicházíte na návštěvu za panem Greenem a Rossem. Na vlastní kůži jdete ještě jednou prožít část jejich životů, příběh jedné naprosto geniální náhody, která se vám pokaždé dostane až pod kůži.”

“Theatre is an art and, like every branch of this sphere, it should not only hide an aesthetic impression and a cultural experience, but it should also appeal to a person internally. It should lead to an inner feeling that we gained something from the time spent in the theater, to thinking not only about the plot itself, but also about the idea and reference that the author wanted to hide in the plot and leave to the audience. Every good show should stay with us in a certain way and get under our skin, and without us even consciously admitting it, at least slightly move our life somewhere. And that’s exactly the performance of A Visit to Mr. Green. There are few shows that one could watch several times in a row and not get a little bored by the second one. You are coming to visit Mr. Green and Ross. You are going to experience a part of their lives one more time, the story of an absolutely brilliant coincidence that gets under your skin every time.”

Stanislav Zindulka and Matěj Hádek toured the Czech Republic in Návštěvy u pana Greena for the next five years.

“Je publikum od první chvíle vtaženo do situace, kde je generační propast tak hluboká, že snad ani nemá dno. Divák má možná zpočátku dojem, že se jedná o komedii, postupně však, čím více se postavy odhalují, přichází pocit mrazení, při kterém si mnozí uvědomí paralely se svým životním osudem. Výborně napsaná hra, kterou herecké výkony nestora českého divadelnictví Stanislava Zindulky, se kterým ovšem skvěle drží krok Matěj Hádek, povznáší k zážitku, který se hluboce zapíše do srdce každého.”
The audience is drawn from the first moment into a situation where the generation gap is so deep that it may not even have a bottom. The viewer may initially have the impression that this is a comedy, but gradually, as the characters are revealed, a chilling sensation comes, during which many realize the parallels with their own destiny. An excellently written play, which is elevated by the acting performances of Stanislav Zindulka, the pioneer of Czech theater, with whom Matěj Hádek keeps pace, to an experience that will be deeply etched in everyone’s heart.”
Culture with Dvojka on Ceska Televize did a video feature on Visiting Mr. Green, including this interview with Jeff Baron. Click on the photo below
Some scenes from the play and interviews with the actors:

In 2016, Ceska Televize did a television taping of a live performance of Návštěvy u pana Greena, which was first shown on the 85th birthday of Stanislav Zindulka.
The production of Návštěvy u pana Greena re-opened in November 2016, with Daniel Tůma playing Ross Gardiner opposite Stanislav Zindulka, produced by Katerina Schauerova, and toured The Czech Republic until November 2018.

Stanislav Zindulka passed away on March 14, 2019. In more than seven years as Mr. Green, he played almost 200 performances.
Dear Standa… we will never forget you.

A new production of Visiting Mr. Green opened at Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav on March 3, 2023 and will continue through 2025, starring Petr Bucháček as Mr. Green and Milan Ligač as Ross Gardiner, directed by Peter Svojtka.