The Flemish production of Visiting Mr. Green opened at Raamteater in Antwerp in 2000. After its great success, the play remained in the repertory for the next two years, both in Antwerp and on national tours of Belgium. Nand Buyl was Mr. Green. Ross was Bert Vannieuwenhuyse. The set was designed by John Bogaerts and lighting was by Marc Cnops. The translation was by Paul Goris, and the director was Julienne De Bruyn.

The most recent production of Visiting Mr. Green in Belgium was the acclaimed version in French (translation by Thomas Joussier) by Théâtre Le Public in Brussels. Directed by Thibaut Neve, it starred Benoît Van Dorslaer and Thibault Packeur.
“Ces Visites à Mister Green s’apprécient comme de rafraîchissantes bulles d’humanité. Et ce d’autant plus en ces douloureux momentsde pandémie où les liens entre les gens, et plusencore entre les aînés et les plus jeunes, se sont distendus.”
“These Visits to Mr. Green can be enjoyed like refreshing bubbles of humanity. All the more so in these painful moments of the pandemic, when the bonds between people, and even more so between the elderly and the youngest, have become distended.”