At Theater in der Josefstadt, one of Vienna’s major repertory theatres, Besuch bei Mr. Green opened as part of the 80th birthday celebration for the beloved Austrian star Fritz Muliar, who played Mr. Green. Ross Gardiner was played by Michael Dangl. Directed by Franz Morak, the play remained part of the theatre’s repertory for two full seasons, with many added performances, a national telecast of the play, and a sound recording released as a CD.

“Der amerikanische Autor Jeff Baron spiegelt in seiner unterhaltsamen, tragisch-komischen, berührenden und psychologisch fein gezeichneten Männer-Komödie Gespräche, die er selbst mit Familienmitgliedern führte oder in ähnlicher Offenheit gern geführt hätte. In einem bravourösen Balanceakt der Emotionen erzählt er von totgeschwiegenen Einsamkeiten, zwanghaften Vorurteilen, aber auch von deren Überwindung, von der Möglichkeit des Umdenkens, der Besinnung, der Umkehr und der Freundschaft.”
“In his entertaining, tragicomic, touching and psychologically finely drawn men’s comedy, the American author Jeff Baron reflects conversations that he himself had with family members or that he would have liked to have had, with similar openness. In a bravura balancing act of emotions, he tells of hushed-up loneliness, obsessive prejudices, but also of overcoming them, of the possibility of rethinking, reflection, conversion and friendship.”

Jeff Baron and the theatre won the prestigious Kulturpreis Europa for this production, as “persons who commit their strength and resources to make others aware that Europe has the potential to serve as a model of peaceful coexistence between a wide variety of people whose differences are seen as valuable gifts, not something foreign that should generate fear or be combatted.”
Theater in der Josefstadt commissioned Jeff Baron to write a sequel to Visiting Mr. Green to star Fritz Muliar and premiere on his 90th birthday. The play was written and announced, but Fritz Muliar passed away a few months before his 90th birthday. The sequel lives on. Details here.
In 2022, a new production played in Vienna, starring Peter Josch as Mr. Green and Anatol Rieger as Ross Gardiner, directed by Richard Maynau, assisted by Karen Tilgner.
“Eine ausgezeichnete Komödie mit viel Tiefgang, also unbedingt sehenswert.”
“An excellent comedy with a lot of depth, so definitely worth seeing.”
“Ein Stück mit Humor und Tiefgang, das viele thematische Facetten einschließt – wie es beispielsweise gelingen kann, überkommene Denkmuster zu überwinden, Akzeptanz und Toleranz gegenüber unterschiedlichen Lebensmodellen zu entwickeln, Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse anderer Generationen zu zeigen oder auch durch die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Gegenüber neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und dadurch Vorurteile abzubauen. Ein starkes Stück, große Empfehlung!”
“A play with humor and depth that includes many thematic facets – for example, how it is possible to overcome outdated thought patterns, to develop acceptance and tolerance for different life models, to show understanding for the needs of other generations, or even to gain new insights through confrontation with a counterpart and thus to break down prejudices. A strong piece, great recommendation!”

Visiting Mr. Green had a popular, critically-acclaimed production at Vienna’s English Theatre, directed by and starring Rex Garner, who played Mr. Green for several successful seasons in South Africa. Aaron Serotsky, who played Ross Gardiner, also had previous experience with the play, at the Denver Center Theatre Company. Aaron went on to play Ross at Two River Theatre Company in Red Bank, NJ and at the English Theatre in Frankfurt, Germany.

“The difficulties of coping with the divergent taboos and values of two different generations spark off the trenchant dialogue.
Enchanting and captivating. ★★★★★”