Visitando al Sr. Green ran in Chile for several years as a production by Teatro Ictus. Directed by Alejandro Castillo, it starred Álvaro Escobar and Nissim Sharim, who received the Altazor Best Actor award.

“Visitando al Sr. Green es un trabajo realista, clásico, un texto dramatúrgico de gran éxito mundial. Ictus hace una jugada maestra cruzando un par de actores como Nissim Sharim, emblema del Ictus, con el díscolo diputado y muy talentoso actor Álvaro Escobar.
Se pasa un muy buen rato en lo que aparenta ser una comedia pequeñoburguesa y se va revelando como una obra con un trasfondo oscuro.
El dolor, el lado oculto de la luna, va emergiendo a través de lo que parecen guiños cómicos para un par de puntos de giro que la convierten en un drama muy bien resuelto. Sharim está fabuloso y Álvaro impecable, evitando el melodrama para dejar pensando a su público tras un espectáculo entrañable.”
Visiting Mr. Green is a realistic, classic work, a dramaturgical text of great worldwide success. Ictus makes a masterstroke by crossing a couple of actors such as Nissim Sharim, emblem of Ictus, with the wayward and talented and very talented actor Alvaro Escobar.
A very good time is had in what appears to be a petty bourgeois comedy as it reveals itself as a play with dark undertones.
The pain, the hidden side of the moon, emerges what seem to be comic winks for a couple of twists and turns, that turn it into a very well resolved drama. Sharim is fabulous and Álvaro impeccable, avoiding melodrama to leave the audience thinking after an endearing show.”

A second production ran in 2012 and 2014, starring Álvaro Escobar and Edgardo Bruna, once again directed by Alejandro Castillo.