SARTR, the Sarajevo War Theatre premiered its production of U Posjeti Kod Gospodina Greena in November 2021. It will continue at least through 2025, starring Miki Trifunov as Mr. Green and Alban Ukaj as Ross Gardiner, directed by Nejra Babić. The translation is by Marko Torjanac, and is performed with English titles.
“Most often these days we pay therapists to talk honestly with us, we don’t talk honestly with the people around us,” director Nejra Babić pointed out. She emphasizes that they are in contact with the writer of the play, Jeff Baron, and online communication has greatly contributed to the quality of the play’s performance.

“U posjeti kod gospodina Greena je zapravo razgovor između dvoje ljudi koji se dobrim dijelom ne razumiju, a dobrim dijelom ne podnose zbog predrasuda koje će polako razbijati. Meni se tu otvorilo mnogo drugih prozora, tako da, kada izgovaram replike svog lika i kada pokušavam da branim njegove stavove ili seksualnu orijentaciju, govorim sa sviješću da je on mogao biti imigrant Sirijac ili neko ko nije poželjan u ovom gradu iz milion razloga.”
“Visiting Mr. Green is actually a conversation between two people who mostly don’t understand each other, and mostly can’t stand each other because of the prejudices that they will slowly break. It opened up a lot of other windows for me, so when I’m saying my character’s lines and when I’m trying to defend his views or his sexual orientation, I’m speaking with the awareness that he could be a Syrian immigrant or someone who’s not wanted in this town for a million reasons.”

“I wish to share the impression that in the combined 70 years of theatre experience between Mr. Trifunov and myself – we have rarely encountered such powerful text.”