CANADA - French

Visites à Monsieur Green, translated by Michel Tremblay, the most prominent French Canadian playwright, began its
life in the summer of 2005 at Le Théâtre La Dame Blanche in
Quebec. Directed by Jacques Rossi, produced by Jean-Bernard Hébert, the acclaimed production originally starred Jean Guy as Mr. Green and Louis-Olivier Mauffette as Ross Gardiner.

“Ce texte de Jeff Baron, delicieusement traduit par Michel Tremblay, est un vrai pique-nique. Longue vie à cette trés longue vie de Mr. Green!”
“This text by Jeff Baron, deliciously translated by Michel Tremblay, is a real picnic. Long live this very long life of Mr. Green!”

Celebrated actor Albert Millard took over the role of Mr. Green as the production toured Canada from coast to coast, and settled in for the summer at Théâtre de Rougement in Quebec.

“Un grand moment de thèâtre qu’il ne faut pas rater.”
“A great moment of theatre that should not be missed.”